About me

I’m Shaz Andrew

Naturopath, Medical Herbalist & Holistic Nutritionist.

My journey to health is what led me to Natural medicine.

My journey to health

I always had a desire to alleviate the pain and suffering of others. But first, I had to help myself.

At different stages of life I’ve suffered from poor health: fatigue, anxiety, chronic period pain and many other symptoms. Like many people, I thought this was normal and just something I had to live with.  

Despite having a science degree and working for years in healthcare, I had not yet made the connection between my ill health and the lifestyle I was living: the poor diet, chronic stress, lack of nature and regular exposure to toxins.

It wasn’t until I had visited my GP a number of times for the same health complaint, and was given prescription after prescription with no investigation or any real answers, that I had the realisation - there was typically only one thing in their toolbox – pills. Different pills for different complaints. But the pills didn’t help. They merely suppressed my symptoms, allowing the imbalance to fester and return even stronger whenever I stopped the medication. I had discovered the great paradox of allopathic healthcare.

I was trapped in an endless cycle: poor lifestyle = illness = medication, repeated over and over again.

But the unhealthy diet and lifestyle – the root cause of my illness – was not addressed. It wasn’t even discussed. So my suffering was allowed to continue. 

Since that time I have been on a journey to commit to a new way of living: one that does not allow illness to manifest in the first place. I embraced a whole foods diet, herbal medicine, yoga and the healing power of nature. I sought the guidance of a naturopath who prescribed herbs, therapeutic foods and lifestyle changes and I immediately started to notice a reduction of my symptoms and the return of my vitality. I felt like a fire had been lit inside me. I had to learn how to provide others with the gift that she had given me.

 I quit my job and started studying holistic clinical nutrition. Although the qualification was grounded in science and evidence-based research, it was infused with elements of eastern philosophy including Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. During this time, I travelled to the jungles of Costa Rica, where I completed my 200-hour yoga teachers training, allowing me to deepen my own yoga practice and strengthen my physical and spiritual connection.

After working as a Nutritionist and Yoga practitioner for several years, I found there was a gap in my offering to my clients and that was herbal medicine. I headed back for another round of full time study, embarking on a Bachelor of Natural Medicine and becoming a qualified Naturopath and Medical Herbalist.

These qualifications perfectly complemented my past education in which I studied a bachelor of science with a double major in human physiology and psychology and completed a Masters degree where I examined brainwaves in children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Combining my personal health experience with my vast medley of education, I am now in a perfect position to help other people discover true wellbeing.

My approach as a naturopath

My practice is built on a belief that the human body has an innate self-healing wisdom that we can tap into through shifts in diet, lifestyle, the support of herbs, supplements and mind-body practices. Despite what some people might say, there is no magic pill, protocol or perfect diet that will cure all ailments. But that does not mean ailments cannot be treated. When I see clients in clinic, we conduct an investigation into their physical, mental and spiritual health, beliefs, relationships, sense of purpose, connection and community as well as their home and work environment.

Every client is unique and will receive a treatment plan that is specifically tailored to empower them to take charge of their own healing.

Although I love the science and biochemistry side of Naturopathy, I also have a strong affinity with the more alternative aspects. I blend an evidence-based approach, involving at times lab testing and functional testing, with traditional wisdoms such as Ayurveda and more alternative and energetic forms of naturopathic medicine, including Bach flower remedies. I may also draw on teachings from the number of yoga trainings I have completed, including specific styles of meditation and yoga postures to support various ailments.

Having started my journey in natural health as a holistic nutritionist, I will always investigate how diet is exacerbating or alleviating the symptoms my clients present with. I don’t subscribe to a specific way of eating (e.g. paleo, keto), but make suggestions on how to eat the most nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant rich whole-foods diet. There will be certain cases where specific diets may be recommended, however this is usually for a duration of time to allow healing to happen. I am also extremely passionate about the healing power of herbs and will most likely recommend herbal medicine in the form of teas, decoctions or tonics, to support the body and mind.

Although I see clients of all genders, ages and walks of life, I have a particular interest in women’s health, hormones, fertility, pregnancy and postpartum support as well as gut and skin health.  So whether you’re about to start your own health journey, or you’ve started one and need some help along the way, I’d love to hear from you.

Let’s retake control of your health and vitality for good!

My Qualifications

Bachelor of Science - Psychology & Human Physiology
Masters thesis - Autism & Auditory Evoked Potentials
Diploma of Nutrition
Bachelor of Natural Medicine (with distinction)

Client testimonials.


“Shaz has a wealth of nutritional knowledge and a reassuring  collaborative approach for creating some achievable and sustainable goals that has enabled a substantial reduction in my cholesterol levels in just a month!”

- C.R.

“Shaz has had such a positive influence on my diet and lifestyle, helping me identify foods that have been causing me issues for years. With her help I've managed to eliminate or limit those foods, replacing them with delicious alternatives.”


“Shaz helped me by understanding my situation and giving me some achievable goals and an easy to stick to plan. The results have been life changing”

- E.M.

“Shaz has helped me so much with my anxiety, managing an autoimmune disease and endless other post-pregnancy concerns”


“The work that I did with Shaz helped me get through a period of immense fatigue and provided a significant improvement in my skin health and hormones”


“Shaz has changed everything! Within a day of having my diet changed, foods and supplements brought into my diet, foods taken out and subtle lifestyle changes my mood shot up and my skin started to clear. My headaches went away after a week and after a couple of weeks I felt great. Fast forward 3 months, and I still feel amazing!”


Contact me for a free chat or to book your consultation.